AMAZ has finally unveiled the exclusive members page! The page is truly the ultimate platform for employees to explore benefits that are available, that they like and what suit them. Here we’ll have all the AMAZING features explained.

Exclusive products sourced from reliable sources around the world

On this platform, what catches the eye first is the exclusive e-commerce feature. With hundreds of products sourced from reliable sources in Taiwan, Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Germany and the United States, etc., AMAZ not only offers a variety of popular food and household products but also those that are organic, healthy and good for the environment. With the aim to source not the most, but the best, AMAZ will keep putting up new exciting products on board! So be sure to check in every now and then!

Promotes local brands both young and old

AMAZ is aware that there are plenty of local brands with a long history in Hong Kong, such as Kowloon Flour Mills and Yuen Kut Lam, that are worth preserving and promoting. At the same time, emerging in Hong Kong are younger generations who are excited to promote their new businesses with cool and inspiring ideas, like Ah Ma Recipes. Look for our made in HK products!

Experience benefits to spoil you

On this platform, what catches the eye first is the exclusive e-commerce feature. With hundreds of products sourced from reliable sources in Taiwan, Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Germany and the United States, etc., AMAZ not only offers a variety of popular food and household products but also those that are organic, healthy and good for the environment. With the aim to source not the most, but the best, AMAZ will keep putting up new exciting products on board! So be sure to check in every now and then!

Year-round perks to keep you amazed

Walking into a restaurant or shopping online hoping there’s a credit card offer or coupon code? What if AMAZ makes it a year-round employee benefit for you? Check out the latest perks on the platform perks page and you might just have the dinner date venue settled.

Delivery to your hands

Rest assured, AMAZ will have your purchased products delivered to you no matter how big or small your order is.

6. Wilder scope of benefits you can pick anytime anywhere

 By now, you should have noticed, unlike conventional employee benefit programmes, AMAZ’s platform provides an ever-expanding bank of benefits that you can access and check on, anytime, anywhere. It will become a weekly routine that you look forward to!



Health and wellness care within your pocket.

When talking about health benefits, medical insurances usually come to mind; yet AMAZ believes active prevention is better than cure. For that reason, we include programmes such as exercise physiology workshop to promote physical health and online subscriptions like Calm and Headspace for achieving mental health.

Exclusive company activities

Organizing company activities can be exhausting and AMAZ is here to do it all for you, because making employees and even employers happy is our goal and duty! Talk to us if you have an idea for the coming up company event or let us surprise you!

9. Social Responsibility

AMAZ believes it is our responsibility to contribute to the society. Hence, we partner with charitable organizations to give out anti-viral kits to those in need during the pandemic. We also encourage those retired to contribute their knowledge and skills by employing them as part-time or freelancers.

In the upcoming future, we will continue to work with charitable organizations to offer volunteering activities to interested companies. Stay tuned!



Be the first to know our future development

AMAZ is the superb, one-stop solution platform specially designed to effectively boost employee health, happiness, and productivity! Now, HR and management can enjoy reduced workloads with flexible compensation, lifestyle perks, and a host of great rewards. Say goodbye to conventional, boring “welfare” and pick the perks that actually matter to you!
We are working our best to improve and further develop the platform to provide a smoother and more comprehensive reward experience to our members. We thank you for your support and stay amazed!